
Self-service library

What is a self-service library

A self-service library is a library that the customer can use independently outside the library's service opening hours.

When entering the library, the library card barcode is shown to the reader beside the library door and the four-digit PIN code is typed in, which unlocks the door.

The main library in Hämeenlinna, as well as the libraries in Hauho, Kalvola, Lammi, Nummi, Renko and Tuulos have self-service opening hours. So do the main library in Janakkala and Tervakoski library.

What can you do in self-service library

During self-service hours, you can borrow and return materials via self-check units, collect reserved items, use the customers' work stations, read magazines or study in the library. Library facilities, materials and an open wireless network are available.

Services that require staff, such as paying fees, printing, copying, and registering a new customer, are not available during self-service hours.

How to use self-service library

To use the self-service library, a customer needs a library card and a four-digit PIN code.

You may obtain a library card by presenting a photo ID at the service desk and agreeing to follow the library user regulations.

Hämeenlinna libraries

When entering the library, the library card barcode is shown to the reader beside the library door and the four-digit PIN code is typed in, which unlocks the door.

All cardholders over the age of 15 are automatically entitled to use the self-service library.

Children under the age of 15 are required to have a contract signed by a guardian. The contract must be signed on site at the library.

Instructions on using an electronic library card

Customer responsibilities

The self-service library card is personal. Each customer must log in with their own library card.

Children under the age of 15 can enter the self-service library together with their guardian, and they must also leave at the same time.

The guardian is responsible for the minor's library visits. Unauthorized persons may not be admitted to the library during the self-service hours.

In case of problems, you can contact the security company. The security company's phone number can be found near the front door.

In Hauho library there is also an alarm button near the front door. It alerts the security company.

If necessary, the library has the right to restrict the right to use the self-service library.

When using the self-service library, the current user regulations apply.

Recording camera surveillance

Libraries have access control and recording camera surveillance. The customer who causes an alarm is responsible for the costs of unwarranted alarms.

The access control and camera systems form a customer register, the purpose of which, as stated in the privacy statement, is to guarantee the security and legal protection of customers, to protect the library's property, and to prevent and investigate crimes.